În toată lumea statuile se prăbușesc pentru mine
Cine știe cât de mult timp te-am iubit
Oriunde mă duc, oamenii se opresc și văd
Vreo douăzeci și cinci de ani, mama mea, Dumnezeu să-i binecuvânteze sufletul

I just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby
Put your arms around me, baby

I just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby
Put your arms around me, baby

Dance a little stranger, show me where you’ve been
Love can make you hostage, wanna do it again?
Nu e timp să te gândești la început sau la sfârșit
Vom afla, mi s-a spus, mama mi-a spus așa

I just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby
Put your arms around me, baby

I just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby

I just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby
Put your arms around me, baby

I just want to fly
I just want to fly

All around the world statues crumble for me
Who knows how long I’ve loved you
Everyone I know has been so good to me
Twenty five years old, mama mea Dumnezeu să-i binecuvânteze sufletul

I just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby
Put your arms around me, baby

I just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby
Put your arms around me, baby

I just want to fly
I just want to fly

I just wanna fly
I just wanna fly


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