Examples of ‘childbearing’ in the sentencechildbearing
All women of childbearing has access to information and support regarding benefits of diet and exercise.Have the childbearing age?
In times of old, over childbearing age had little currency.
By then her childbearing years are over, but her charitable works continued.
The figures suggest that is not choice of career that is costing women but discrimination in the matter of lifestyle choice as they hit childbearing age.この数字が示すのは、女性にとって犠牲になっているのは、職業の選択ではなく、出産年齢に達したときのライフスタイルの選択の問題についてである。
I thought hard about the commitment but over here the consensus is it shows courage for a near the end of her childbearing years.
Eight per cent of our organization are women and when we last counted, 70 percent of them were of childbearing age.
Time and Sunday Times (2009)